On Personal Safety

I recently wrote this poem, based on an experience I had when I was nineteen. In light of the fact that at least 125 women have been killed in UK since Sarah Everard was kidnapped and murdered, it felt important to write about my own experience. This poem has a content note for stalking – if that’s not something you’re keen to read about, feel free to click away. Look after yourself. And, if you're worried about any of the issues that turn up in the poem, you can speak to Women's Aid , Refuge , or Brook . *** Hypothetically Speaking Say you see me, getting off the train. Say it’s past midnight, and the taxi rank stands empty. The chip shop closed hours ago, but the sharp scent of vinegar and grease lingers. The concrete bus shelter opens wide, like a mouth. Say you see me cross the car park, stepping carefully through broken glass. Ascending the stairs to the bridge over the tracks. Say you watch me stop at the top, look back, move forward. Say you foll...