On univocalisms - Bob's Knob Shop

A couple of weeks' ago, a lovely poet friend of mine added me into a facebook group with a load of excellent writers. Then, he posed us all a challenge: write a bunch of univocalisms, then get them published in a Zine. Now, I *love* a good univocalism, so I immediately said YES! In case you don't know, a univocalism is a piece of contrained writing, where you're only allowed to use one of the five vowels. So, if you do an E univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters A, I, O, or U, and if you do a U univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters A, E, I, or O. I t's a real challenge, but it also enables you to write in new (and often very strange) ways. Here's my first attempt at an O univocalism. Let me know what you think! Bob’s Knob Shop Rollo owns Bob’s Knob Shop. Door knobs only (Rollo’s not fond of porn). No. Rollo’s fond of knobs. Rollo’s got tons of knobs: Rococo knobs for posh toffs; cool knobs for groovy mods; knobs on top of knobs f...