On univocalisms - Slinky Crisps

Another day, another univocalism! I'm currently working on a project with a lovely group of excellent writers, creating a bunch of univocalisms, for publication in a little Zine. In case you don't know, a univocalism is a piece of contrained writing, where you're only allowed to use one of the five vowels. So, if you do an O univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters A, E, I, or U, and if you do an A univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters E, I, O, or U. It's a really tricky poetry challenge, but I love it because it gives you the chance get out of a writing rut, and create pieces that you'd never write otherwise! Here's my first go at an I univocalism. Give it a look! (Content note for weird crisp fetishes!) Slinky Crisps It’s in district six: dim, slinky digs. Thick mist swirls, fills Tim’s ribs. Tim’s skin pricks. This is Tim’s big wish: this inn’s lit: Tim’s spying by dirty ‘sills spying girls with fizzy drinks, binging...