On univocalisms - Slinky Crisps
Another day, another univocalism!
I'm currently working on a project with a lovely group of excellent writers, creating a bunch of univocalisms, for publication in a little Zine.
In case you don't know, a univocalism is a piece of contrained writing, where you're only allowed to use one of the five vowels. So, if you do an O univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters A, E, I, or U, and if you do an A univocalism, you're not allowed to use the letters E, I, O, or U.
It's a really tricky poetry challenge, but I love it because it gives you the chance get out of a writing rut, and create pieces that you'd never write otherwise!
Here's my first go at an I univocalism. Give it a look! (Content note for weird crisp fetishes!)
Slinky Crisps
It’s in district six:
dim, slinky digs.
Thick mist swirls,
fills Tim’s ribs.
Tim’s skin pricks.
This is Tim’s big wish:
this inn’s lit:
Tim’s spying by dirty ‘sills
spying girls with fizzy drinks,
binging spicy crisps.
Primly, grimly fit.
It’s kinky shit.
Tim thinks “This is it!”
slinks in shiftily.
Within this vicinity,
vivid prisms split light in pink glints,
DJ flips childish vinyl tricks.
Bright, viscid bliss.
Girls twist in giddy flicks:
Clinging, swinging,
biting crisps in bliss.
Chicks drink in crispy infinity,
flimsy VIPs.
This is it!!
Tim gifts his pick mild crisps.
His slinky minx
licks rich, filthy lips.
Smiling, Tim winks –
this chick is dishy.
This chick digs crisps.
Tim’s in crisp bliss.
His slinky minx grins:
right night, right light,
right lips.
Tim’s in! Limbs swim,
lips kiss.
Slinky, kinky crisps.
Tim wins his wish:
This slinky, winky minx -
firm hips, big pink lips.
This night Tim grinds with this chick,
binging mild/spicy crisps.
Still, this crisp minx will twist:
this district six inn indicts Tim
with sky-high bills.
Midnight, this slinky girl splits.
Jilts Tim with firm dignity,
flicks wrist, flings crisps.
Limpid crisp victim, Tim dips.
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Image via unsplash.com |
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