On Finding Your Flow

Sometimes, I can be a little impatient. Ok, that’s an understatement. I am a very, very, very impatient person. But when it comes to books, I can sit and read all day, without ever getting bored. The other day I was talking to a friend of mine – another impatient soul – and he said something that really struck me. “I don’t like reading. It takes too long and it’s frustrating because they don’t tell you the answer straight away. It’d rather just sit near a book and have the ideas go directly into my brain.” This is an interesting thought, isn’t it? In a world where we have every answer available to us online, at the click of a button, why would anyone bother to read? As technology improves and people have more options for research, entertainment, and relaxation, you might assume that books are falling out of fashion. But, 212 million books were sold in the UK in 2021 , which means that reading is still a big part of many people’s lives. Of course, it might b...